The harsh truth is that most people who visit your website won’t buy from you. And selling to visitors right off the bat would probably do more harm than good. You simply can’t force people to purchase your products or services, especially when they’re not ready to buy. As a marketer or business owner, it’s a reality you must accept. However, it’s also possible to convert some unwilling visitors into long-term customers through content marketing. Content marketing can be used to nurture prospects slowly over time until they finally become loyal customers. And the first step to strengthening your content marketing strategy is to understand each stage of the buyer’s journey.
What is the buyer’s journey? According to Hubspot, the buyer’s journey is a cycle that every customer goes through before purchasing a product or service from a business. It's composed of three stages (though there may be several variations of this cycle):
The buyer’s journey is a repetitive process that happens to each and every one of your clients or customers. People will always fall in one of the three stages in the buyer’s journey. Developing Content for Each Stage of the Journey This post will aim to show you how to craft content for every stage of the buyer’s journey – targeting each and every potential customer and moving them closer to a buying decision. Awareness Most website visitors belong to the awareness stage. They are merely researching. They are trying to find more information about an issue or problem. They are out to learn and are not looking for products and services. At least not yet. Creating Content for This Stage In the awareness stage, it’s important to remember that you are there to help – not to sell. Your content needs to be based on solid research and provide useful (and timely) information. Visitors in the awareness stage will most likely get turned off and leave your site if you try to sell to them this early. Instead, what you can do is offer a helpful e-book or mini with an online form to capture people’s details. Lead generation is a good goal to have when creating awareness content. Provide a lot of helpful information (as much as you can) but your objective should be to convert your readers into leads. Optimise your blog post with calls-to-action too and encourage people to share your content on social media or simply opt-in as a lead. Types of Awareness Content
Consideration Consideration is the next stage in the buyer’s journey. It focuses on visitors who have now identified their problem or need. They have gone through enough information in the awareness stage and are now searching for options and solutions. In this stage, people are considering the possible solutions available. Of course, each one has his or her preferences, but it would be a good idea to mention your brand and start marketing your services. Creating Content for This Stage The consideration stage is a great time to write comparisons between your product or service and the other solutions available in the market. Make sure to stress the unique features of your product or service. People should be able to recall your solutions and your business in the future. Consider asking yourself the following questions before writing content for this stage:
You should make your product or service look better than the other options in the market. You wouldn’t want to refer your potential customers to your competitors, right? Types of Consideration Content
Decision The last stage – appropriately called the decision stage – centre on helping visitors justify their decision to purchase your products or services. You’re one step closer to converting your potential customer into a paying customer. You must now do everything you can to encourage the reader to buy your products or services as soon as possible. Creating Content for This Stage This stage is crucial, and you must optimise for sales conversions – nothing else. Your content needs to showcase the best features and benefits of your products or services. It would also be a good idea to explain the purchasing process and what happens after they purchase your product or service to make everything simple and easy for your customers. Lastly, an “add to cart” or “buy now” button should be present. But take note that many people may abandon their shopping cart before even proceeding to checkout. Here are some of the reasons why people fail to convert into a paying customer:
But don’t give up, some will convert into paying customers and while others won’t. That’s just how a business runs, especially online! Types of Content for This Stage
By creating content for each stage of the buyer’s journey, you are delivering relevant information that people are looking for. There is no ‘one’ content piece that applies to everyone. Targeted content enables you to connect and engage with your website visitors. It tells them that you ‘understand’ what they are going through – that you are there to help. It, therefore, builds trust and moves them closer to a buying decision. Want to learn more? Contact us and find out how we can help your business develop content for each of the buying stages. Found this article helpful? Share it with your friends and colleagues!
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